
Ji Shiying: first "eat crabs" Zhongguancun people

Ji Shiying,car dvr founder of Zhongguancun's first non-governmental science and Technology Agency of the Department, one of the 31 years insist on venture capital, witnessed the development of Zhongguancun

Ji Shiying was President of Beijing Institute of applied sciences, first generation entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun, Zhongguancun, one of the founders of the first non-governmental science and technology institutions.

31 years, Ji Shiying has insisted in the Zhongguancun venture, for three consecutive terms as the Presidentvehicle dvr of Beijing non-governmental science and technology businessman Association. He has first-hand experience from a small rural town in Zhongguancun, developed into a national independent innovation demonstration zone in the whole process.

Before liberation, Ji Shiying was born in Changping District Jiuli mountain into a poor peasant family, outside the four year old with her parents flee from famine to Zhangjiakou. In 1949, the Communist Party has liberated his hometown, before he returned home. In 1962, the Ji Shiying was admitted into the University of science and technology of China, assigned to the Chinese Academy of Sciences after graduating.

The party's third plenary session held under the spirit ofvehicle dvr reform and opening up, in October 1980, the Ji Shiying, and Zhongguancun was Chen Chunxian, who founded the first non-governmental institutions of science and technology Beijing Institute of plasma--advanced technology development services. Ji Shiying memories, although only half an old warehouse services at that time, seven or eight people, 500 Yuan, they did the full swing.

"Non-governmental private" the novel was soon questioned, social pressure makes services difficult. Ji Shiying had already resigned from public office, he was once again in trouble.

He still remembers, early morning of January 25, 1983, a rapid knock: "old age, come listen to national radio news! Central affirmed the general direction of our Service Department and should be encouraged! "" That's great news! "Ji Shiying said. Zhongguancun was boiling! Private science and technology enterprises have sprung up, soon full of Zhong Guan Cun Street.

Now, already have more than 18,000 companies in Zhongguancun high-tech enterprises, can be called "million Army of technology", is being advanced to 10 trillion production value. A world-class Centre for high-tech innovation and Development Centre will soon appear in Zhongguancun.


Written application for a 25 page 62 years old to join the party

Party of 16 Grand opening that night, heard that private entrepreneurs can also join the party, he was so excited for a night without sleep, sealing wrote a 25-page application. Ji Shiying was 62 years, he finally was approved to join the Communist Party.

In July 2006, Ji Shiying was diagnosed as "Carcinoma of head of pancreas", doctor whom he can only live up to eight months. Ji Shiying wrote in his "farewell poetry of life" writes: "I used the last embers of the fire, candle lit next! ”

During the period he was dying, car dvrthe party and the Government is very concerned about his condition, a special expert group consultation treatment for him, entrepreneurs developed independently by our friends sent to the Zhongguancun anticancer drug. 5 years later, he did not fall. During this period, with the support of the party and the Government, Ji Shiying also founded the Beijing business management College, still fighting in the front line of Zhongguancun.

Terry: iPhone 5 Assembly cannot meet the market demand

Beijing time on November 7, the evening news, mobile dvr Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou said Wednesday that due to huge iPhone market demand, Hon Hai Precision is difficult to meet the demand.

Terry said: "the production of iPhone is not an easy thing, we are unable to meet the huge marketcar dvr demand. "Another Foxconn Executive said last month, iPhone 5 supply tension, largely because their design was too complex, thus affecting the speed of the Assembly. The anonymous Executive said: "the iPhone 5 is Foxconn has faced the most difficult to assemble a device. ”

In response to media reports "Foxconn international will vehicle dvr join the iPhone making camp", he refused to make any comment. Currently, Hon Hai is the core of Apple's iPhone the assembler. Foxconn International Assembly of non-Apple products, such as Huawei and Nokia mobile phones.

Citigroup on Monday, Foxconn international stock rating raised to "buy", mainly because of, Citi expects Foxconn international will begin to assemble the iPhone later this year. Affected by the news of Foxconn International shares mobile dvrhad surged on Monday 35%.


promoting are currently

Ding Wei said that deep Hebi has a long history, culture, promoting cultural development and prosperity have a good foundation. As far as the cultural industries, should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of 17 plenary session, master the spiritual essence and earnestly study plan , seize the rare opportunity, further promote the development of cultural industry in our city, the important support of their efforts into the city's industries. On current developments and cultural causes and so do an in-depth survey analysis to size up the bases, we figured out what the actual situation. To level the preparation of cultural industry development plan, achieve the conception of lofty, visibility, practical, and some can hire well-known professional organizations and professionals to plan, while also promoting are currently doing their work. Relevant departments of the city from the Organization and leadership, funding, advocacy, policy mechanism to promote research in areas such as to come up with effective measures and methods. Vulgarity of xunxian County culture rich, cultural industries have developed a certain scale, to be one step ahead and play a fine role model leading role.

historical and cultural

discussions on relevant historical and cultural evolution, artistic creations and in the creation of confusion. When talking with old crafts House Song Xuehai, encouraged him to do not only products, but also to bring the disciple; when talking with the young craftsmen's Song Kai war, encouraged him to emancipate the mind, life as an experience of artistic creation, which obtained a special understanding of art, a new breakthrough. In the mud monkeys Studio, Ding Wei, Chinese folk arts and crafts masters Zhang Xihe cordial and noted with interest the mud monkeys watching the scene creation and painting. Ding Wei says, next to the city to establish a special fund, not only supporting cultural industries project, rewarding made ​​outstanding contributions to cultural industry leaders.

His inspection tour, Ding Wei stressed that party plenary session of 17 vantage point of the overall layout of the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, on the reform of cultural system, promote development and prosperity of Socialist culture made ​​a strategic plan to established powers the Grand objective of Socialist culture, made ​​a culture under new situation of reform and development of important principles, objectives and tasks, guiding ideology, policy initiatives. Construction of the central authorities attach great importance to culture, because culture is the foundation of a nation, is the soul of a city, and momentum is the spiritual home of the people, both progress of social civilization and people's livelihood and happiness, both direct contribution to economic growth and to improving the quality of economic development plays an important role. Cultural industries as an important carrier of prosperity and development of Socialist culture under the market economy, are important ways to meet various spiritual and cultural needs of the people, as well as promote economic structural adjustment, change the mode of economic development should focus. 17 plenary session stressed the need to accelerate the development of cultural industries, promotion of cultural industries as pillar industries.

Ming dynasty bridge

career structures, we figured out what manufacturer layout, product sales and other basic information. The second is scientific and rational use of stone resources. Stone of non-renewable, is a valuable resource, we say "given", not cutting production, instead, to intensive conservation, to use existing resources, by elongated chain, increasing added value to "eat". Three is an industrial planning. On the basis of rational use of resources, in- depth analysis, come up with scientific stone carving industry development plan, doing fine fine stone carving industry bigger and stronger. Four is an advocacy, let the masses and consciously take the initiative and doing well combined with assistance. Five are should pay attention to personnel training, and strive to further develop a number of State and provincial masters of technology. Relevant departments should develop standards, thoroughly professional skill appraisal, arouse the enthusiasm of the workers upgrade their skills.

Founded in Yunxi Zhengde in Ming dynasty bridge, and vulgarity of xunxian County buildings in the ancient city walls are of the same age, a stone arch bridge is the oldest in the entire Wei, is very important to the entire Grand Canal declared world cultural heritage . "The Grand Canal ' piracy protection of Yunxi bridge, Wei is a good opportunity, is a powerful engine for ye reforming ancient Grand Canal ' piracy as one of the leading engineering, as a key to the development of cultural industries, go all out to support good piracy. "Ding Wei hope the relevant planning authorities introduced as soon as possible, and once the plan is developed, it is necessary to resolutely implement. Leave the Yunxi bridge, along the blue cobblestone, Ding Wei arrived at was built in the ancient city wall of Ming Emperor Hongwu and vulgarity of xunxian County for three years, when you view the ancient city walls protected the circumstances pointed out that, the ancient city wall "flap mountain river", and the high and steep rugged, fine structure set, is to leave our fine cultural heritage of history, it is important to efforts to increase protection and at the same time, pay attention to ecological environment construction. Leaving the ancient city walls, Ding Wei headed Confucius Temple near the ancient city walls, look closely at the Confucius Temple in the Tai Shing after the restoration of the temple, calling for restoration of ancient buildings they can, to repair in the process of cultural relics and be registered on the books of the new find. Follow the "old old " principle, as far as possible keep the status quo ante of the ancient buildings.

Vulgarity of xunxian County Yang玘tun clay sculpture and art development company who has the 20 members of the Institute of fine arts at the State level, ADPL 50 people in Henan province, outstanding Chinese folk culture heritage people 1, UNESCO's arts and crafts House 1 , senior technologist 5, field sales point 50 of the company, producing clay sculpture product 300yuwanjian. The company compound and was two meters high in the first place "mud cuckoo", it is understood that the two "mud cooing" comes from Chinese folk culture distinguished heritage people Song Xuehai hands. Hall, filled with representatives of various handicraft works. Ding Wei a Studio visit, shook hands with crafts of this work, understand their creations, and in-depth


Sigh: we can only thinking back ancestors of glory

Yesterday, long-term attention Ningbo stone carving stone technology on inheritance and development of the city's arts and crafts expert Yang Gucheng old man says, "in history, Ningbo has emerged of numerous stone craftsman! ”

"The Northern warriors, South of carved stone group", Ningbo dozens of existing national health units, there are two dongqian Lake area, was carved stone carving – province of the Southern Song dynasty stone engraving Park and yinzhou cross flag. They are important in the history of Chinese stone carving art of location. Not only that, Ningbo rock art also had Japan had had a significant impact. Japan NARA todaiji temple within two national treasures cultural relics--13 Stone Pagoda of 14.2 meters high and 2.5 meters high the pair of stone lions, is more than 800 years ago by a 7-bit travel across Japan of Ningbo Masons carved into.

"Should we do only thinking back ancestors have created brilliant today? "Yang Gucheng recommendations 73: to strengthen traditional stone carving the stone carving art of Ningbo, to collate and research, let more people know about its history; on the other hand we must vigorously promote Ningbo traditional stone carving the stone carving art, its stone carving represent a share of the market in the country," only the demand will only attract people to engage in the art. ”Aluminium Powder
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Full of disappointment: traveled yinzhou only found one old masters

In addition to local apprentices are hard to find, a good stone carving artists increasingly scarce, become stone inscriptions this is known as "stone embroidering" the traditional process of inheritance and development of the Tiger. "I'll give you $ 250 a day's wages, is hard to find one or two good local artists. "Gold star Joe told reporters that he have a factory more than more than 20 workers, locals have only a few of them, and the best chefs are from Fujian, Anhui, Hebei and so on.

Yinzhou deputy curator Chen Sujun also are well aware of the cultural centers. In 2009, she chaired, yinzhou district, when they are not leaving censuses, had expected to find some superb stone old shouldn't be a problem, "master yinzhou produced a large number of stone carving, now also available from the old cemetery and left by a path leading to a grave stone carving works of consummate skill in the year. "However, only to have her great disappointment, she traveled, yinzhou found more than more than 13,000 non-archaeological sites in the thread, clues about the stone carving artist only 1: Tong Kai Zhang Guocai was 55 years old in the town of ancestral stone carving artist, carved stone lions, double Dragon, double Phoenix, stone bridges, bridge railings, flowers over the fence, and so on. Eventually listed him, yinzhou district, yinzhou "technology of stone carving" unique heritage of people.Interactive


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