
Terry: iPhone 5 Assembly cannot meet the market demand

Beijing time on November 7, the evening news, mobile dvr Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou said Wednesday that due to huge iPhone market demand, Hon Hai Precision is difficult to meet the demand.

Terry said: "the production of iPhone is not an easy thing, we are unable to meet the huge marketcar dvr demand. "Another Foxconn Executive said last month, iPhone 5 supply tension, largely because their design was too complex, thus affecting the speed of the Assembly. The anonymous Executive said: "the iPhone 5 is Foxconn has faced the most difficult to assemble a device. ”

In response to media reports "Foxconn international will vehicle dvr join the iPhone making camp", he refused to make any comment. Currently, Hon Hai is the core of Apple's iPhone the assembler. Foxconn International Assembly of non-Apple products, such as Huawei and Nokia mobile phones.

Citigroup on Monday, Foxconn international stock rating raised to "buy", mainly because of, Citi expects Foxconn international will begin to assemble the iPhone later this year. Affected by the news of Foxconn International shares mobile dvrhad surged on Monday 35%.

