
historical and cultural

discussions on relevant historical and cultural evolution, artistic creations and in the creation of confusion. When talking with old crafts House Song Xuehai, encouraged him to do not only products, but also to bring the disciple; when talking with the young craftsmen's Song Kai war, encouraged him to emancipate the mind, life as an experience of artistic creation, which obtained a special understanding of art, a new breakthrough. In the mud monkeys Studio, Ding Wei, Chinese folk arts and crafts masters Zhang Xihe cordial and noted with interest the mud monkeys watching the scene creation and painting. Ding Wei says, next to the city to establish a special fund, not only supporting cultural industries project, rewarding made ​​outstanding contributions to cultural industry leaders.

His inspection tour, Ding Wei stressed that party plenary session of 17 vantage point of the overall layout of the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, on the reform of cultural system, promote development and prosperity of Socialist culture made ​​a strategic plan to established powers the Grand objective of Socialist culture, made ​​a culture under new situation of reform and development of important principles, objectives and tasks, guiding ideology, policy initiatives. Construction of the central authorities attach great importance to culture, because culture is the foundation of a nation, is the soul of a city, and momentum is the spiritual home of the people, both progress of social civilization and people's livelihood and happiness, both direct contribution to economic growth and to improving the quality of economic development plays an important role. Cultural industries as an important carrier of prosperity and development of Socialist culture under the market economy, are important ways to meet various spiritual and cultural needs of the people, as well as promote economic structural adjustment, change the mode of economic development should focus. 17 plenary session stressed the need to accelerate the development of cultural industries, promotion of cultural industries as pillar industries.

