
Ji Shiying: first "eat crabs" Zhongguancun people

Ji Shiying,car dvr founder of Zhongguancun's first non-governmental science and Technology Agency of the Department, one of the 31 years insist on venture capital, witnessed the development of Zhongguancun

Ji Shiying was President of Beijing Institute of applied sciences, first generation entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun, Zhongguancun, one of the founders of the first non-governmental science and technology institutions.

31 years, Ji Shiying has insisted in the Zhongguancun venture, for three consecutive terms as the Presidentvehicle dvr of Beijing non-governmental science and technology businessman Association. He has first-hand experience from a small rural town in Zhongguancun, developed into a national independent innovation demonstration zone in the whole process.

Before liberation, Ji Shiying was born in Changping District Jiuli mountain into a poor peasant family, outside the four year old with her parents flee from famine to Zhangjiakou. In 1949, the Communist Party has liberated his hometown, before he returned home. In 1962, the Ji Shiying was admitted into the University of science and technology of China, assigned to the Chinese Academy of Sciences after graduating.

The party's third plenary session held under the spirit ofvehicle dvr reform and opening up, in October 1980, the Ji Shiying, and Zhongguancun was Chen Chunxian, who founded the first non-governmental institutions of science and technology Beijing Institute of plasma--advanced technology development services. Ji Shiying memories, although only half an old warehouse services at that time, seven or eight people, 500 Yuan, they did the full swing.

"Non-governmental private" the novel was soon questioned, social pressure makes services difficult. Ji Shiying had already resigned from public office, he was once again in trouble.

He still remembers, early morning of January 25, 1983, a rapid knock: "old age, come listen to national radio news! Central affirmed the general direction of our Service Department and should be encouraged! "" That's great news! "Ji Shiying said. Zhongguancun was boiling! Private science and technology enterprises have sprung up, soon full of Zhong Guan Cun Street.

Now, already have more than 18,000 companies in Zhongguancun high-tech enterprises, can be called "million Army of technology", is being advanced to 10 trillion production value. A world-class Centre for high-tech innovation and Development Centre will soon appear in Zhongguancun.


Written application for a 25 page 62 years old to join the party

Party of 16 Grand opening that night, heard that private entrepreneurs can also join the party, he was so excited for a night without sleep, sealing wrote a 25-page application. Ji Shiying was 62 years, he finally was approved to join the Communist Party.

In July 2006, Ji Shiying was diagnosed as "Carcinoma of head of pancreas", doctor whom he can only live up to eight months. Ji Shiying wrote in his "farewell poetry of life" writes: "I used the last embers of the fire, candle lit next! ”

During the period he was dying, car dvrthe party and the Government is very concerned about his condition, a special expert group consultation treatment for him, entrepreneurs developed independently by our friends sent to the Zhongguancun anticancer drug. 5 years later, he did not fall. During this period, with the support of the party and the Government, Ji Shiying also founded the Beijing business management College, still fighting in the front line of Zhongguancun.

Terry: iPhone 5 Assembly cannot meet the market demand

Beijing time on November 7, the evening news, mobile dvr Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou said Wednesday that due to huge iPhone market demand, Hon Hai Precision is difficult to meet the demand.

Terry said: "the production of iPhone is not an easy thing, we are unable to meet the huge marketcar dvr demand. "Another Foxconn Executive said last month, iPhone 5 supply tension, largely because their design was too complex, thus affecting the speed of the Assembly. The anonymous Executive said: "the iPhone 5 is Foxconn has faced the most difficult to assemble a device. ”

In response to media reports "Foxconn international will vehicle dvr join the iPhone making camp", he refused to make any comment. Currently, Hon Hai is the core of Apple's iPhone the assembler. Foxconn International Assembly of non-Apple products, such as Huawei and Nokia mobile phones.

Citigroup on Monday, Foxconn international stock rating raised to "buy", mainly because of, Citi expects Foxconn international will begin to assemble the iPhone later this year. Affected by the news of Foxconn International shares mobile dvrhad surged on Monday 35%.